And the WORD for Today Is …
Non-Recourse Loan
His bark is worse than his bite. You’re familiar with the expression but who knew that it applied to banks as well. If you are behind on your mortgage—and millions of people are—you have probably been barked at by someone at your bank. It is reasonable that they make an effort to collect the funds which you owe them, but when you are unable to do so, you have conveyed that you are unable to do so, frequently some barking gets started.
A non-recourse loan means the bank has NO BITE. They have no recourse, or option to do anything else to you after they take the house. They cannot seek a
deficiency judgment. Without a deficiency judgment there is no way for them to:
- Attach your pay check (/garnishment/)
- Pursue any of your other assets
- This includes any/all retirement accounts
Once they acquire the home/property, whether that is via
foreclosure, a
deed-in-lieu or by
trustee auction when the home was secured by a deed of trust, ALL THAT THEIR BANK CAN EVER GET IS THE HOUSE. There is no legal provision for them to ever come after the borrower for anything else.
The states listed below are generally non-recourse states:
- Alabama (some exceptions apply)
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California (as long as non-judicial foreclosure is used, which is the most common)
- Colorado
- District of Columbia (Washington DC)
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana (as long as non-judicial foreclosure is used)
- New Hampshire
- Oregon
- Tennessee
- Texas (but even in a non-judicial foreclosure, the lender can pursue a deficiency judgment)
- Virginia
- Washington (as long as non-judicial foreclosure is used, which is the most common)
- West Virginia
*It is critical that the homeowner do several things:
- Seek legal counsel to be sure they understand the implications, based the specific mortgage or deed of trust involved
- Consider the specific financial resources and have clarity on what is at stake
- Evaluate the total picture, then make a decision based on a full assessment of the situation
***This should not be construed to be legal advice.
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Host: Home Ownership Matters Preservation Center, Inc.
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