April 11, 2009

Fast Fact: Modification of Loans

FACT: A modification of your loan is possible for all loan types. However, that possibility can be complicated by:

  1. Whether or not you still reside in the home
  2. The lender has sold the loan into a loan pool
  3. The insurer/investor is willing to allow a modification

To modify a loan means that the old loan is permanently changed and new loan terms exist. It can be a powerful option for a borrower who is in default. The things which can be altered or modified on a loan include:

  1. The interest rate being charged (usually lowered by the modification)
  2. The term (or length of the loan) (can be reset for another 30 years)
  3. The principal balance (can be lowered if the value of the property has decreased)

Either one of these can be modified or a combination of them. The goal is to create a NEW loan which is reasonable and sustainable based on the borrower’s current circumstances including income and the current value of the real estate.

New legislation is slated to allow bankruptcy courts to force lenders to agree to a reduction in the outstanding balance (the so-called cram-down) when a borrower can demonstrate that the value of the home is less than the mortgage payoff.

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(Please E-mail Heather at homeownershipmatters@gmail.com with any questions, comments or concerns you might have! We appreciate all comments and feedback, so please don't be shy.)

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