April 19, 2009

WORD: Loan Package

And the WORD for Today is:

Loan Package—refers to the file of all the items necessary for the lender to decide to grant or not grant the loan. These items would include the information on prospective borrower such as loan application, credit report, financial statements, and supporting documentation, employment verification and any other personal information to verify the credit worthiness of the applicant. In addition, the file would also include information related to the acceptability of the proposed property such as an appraisal to substantiate value and a survey. There is usually a charge for “packaging” the loan.

Loan package also commonly refers to the bundle of papers sent from the lender to the title company in order to finalize a real estate transaction. The /loan package/ usually contains all the necessary paperwork to “close the loan.” The mortgage or deed of trust, note and all required disclosures, from anybody to anybody, would be included. A loan closing package might include as many as 60-80 pages of material.

Copyright © 2008, Home Ownership Matters, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

You can find more helpful definitions of WORDS like these in Your Real Estate Advisor which can be purchased at www.DovePublishingHouse.com.

(Please E-mail Heather at homeownershipmatters@gmail.com with any questions, comments or concerns you might have! We appreciate all comments and feedback, so please don't be shy.)


  1. great post…. you have done great job….it very cool blog. linking is very useful thing you have really helped lots of people who visit this blog and provided them this usefull information. thanks a lot for this..gud luck..regards,

  2. A lot of useful information in those links, thanks. I feel that it might even be too much for me to “digest” in just one week.
