June 24, 2010

"How to Eat an Elephant"

How to Eat an Elephant

Not a very appealing thought is it? But doesn’t that describe how you are feeling as you try to make sense of the situation with your mortgage—like you are trying to swallow an elephant whole? There is a way to accomplish this though—let me tell you how.

I have been writing for many years so it should not surprise you that my minor in college was English. I have loved literature since I was 5 or 6 years old. (Long time ago and an entirely different story). During first year college one of my English textbooks was called ”Way Out—A Thematic Reader”. Awesome book. It included a short story “How to Dismount From an Elephant” which shared with great humor how to return to the ground should you find yourself marooned on an elephant sometime.

Your mortgage is behind, your finances in a mess and you can’t get a straight answer from the bank or anybody else for that matter. You are facing a challenge equilivalent to needing to “Eat an Elephant” with no clear idea where to start. I mean R E A L L Y.

The ear is WAY UP THERE.
The tail is totally unappealing even though you could reach it.
The side is REALLY BIG.
The toes are accessible but really DIRTY.

If you are facing a possible foreclosure (ELEPHANT)—may I suggest you take a position and declare—YOU’RE GOING DOWN!

Now where do you start? At the foot—those dirty toes—the foundation. He cannot stand—not for very long—if you create an emergency with a toe. We recommend the submission of a qualified written request as a way to command his attention. There is ample information about the QWR on this blog as well as on the general web. For specific instructions, “Avoiding Foreclosure Using the Qualified Written Request” is another educational tool I have written which gives you step by step instructions on HOW to prepare this document yourself without incurring the expense of an attorney.

Develop a plan. Go to www.HOMPCI.org. Click on the Foreclosure/Loss Mitigation section and use the information there to figure our how to proceed. You need to know:

a. What to do if you are a ‘Frozen Borrower”
b. What to do NEXT if you are behind on your mortgage payment
c. How to ‘Buy TIME...’ to determine a strategy

The Home Ownership Matters Preservation Center, Inc is committed to being your foreclosure intervention resource. Materials are written with the average consumer in mind so they are easy to understand and while they deal with serious and sometimes difficult and/or legal issues, you will find them easy to understand. Many of the resources not only help you understand the issue but provide specific instructions for what can be done and how. Visit today, share the site with family or friends, and continue to visit as new material is being added continually. That’s www.HOMPCI.org.

"Remember, knowledge can be empowering!"


1 comment:

  1. We are still waiting to hear from you reagrding the bad checks you wrote us from your company. Please pay us what you owe us. Thank you!
