June 7, 2010

Mildred's Musings

Knowledge is Power!
Knowledge CAN BE Empowering!

Knowledge is Power! How often have you heard that said? How frequently I have personally stated and written it. It has been the cornerstone of much of the work and writing I have done for more than 17 years in the real estate market. I believed it until a couple of days ago—and now I don’t. No one said anything different which changed my mind, more, I just became aware that knowledge, in and of itself, does NOT equate to power.

I should point out that I just finished reading M. Scott Peck’s “The Road Less Travelled and Beyond” for the 3rd or 4th time since it was released in 1997. His books are awesome and will cause you to think. One of the dominant themes in this specific book is ‘thinking well.’ Reading the book (an attempt on my part to gain some knowledge or insight into why I have been feeling stuck in some areas of my life) was the nudge I needed to deepen my understanding. Just as an aside, this book was given to me by my daughter (now deceased) with the inscription “To Mother with Love, Live and Learn, Dovie”. Now, as during her lifetime, she provides inspiration at just the moment I need it. I found and re-read this ‘gift’ just when I needed to be reminded to dig deeper. I am sure that digging deeper has led to the revelation that knowledge is NOT power.

Knowledge is an all important tool to changing our situation but it has no power UNLESS and UNTIL it has been activated and then utilized. Let me explain. I would be rich if I could be paid even $1 for every time I have said, “Mildred, you are supposed to be smart, how did you get yourself into this situation?” Or, “Why can’t you get out of this situation?”

The answer to both questions is that having a great deal of knowledge does not necessarily equate to having fewer problems or knowing how to deal with them when they crop up. Additionally, being knowledgeable in a specific area (say, foreclosure intervention) does not translate into being knowledgeable in other areas (say, relationships or finances). So knowledge of the subject at hand is needed (whatever the subject at hand happens to be).

That knowledge—even when acquired—has NO Power. . .

UNLESS—you decide to implement it

UNTIL—you decide to enforce it

UNLESS—you are willing to withstand whatever recriminations
may come against you as you utilize it

UNTIL—you have the conviction that utilizing the knowledge is
more beneficial than choosing not to use it has been

UNLESS—you are willing to challenge the current situation
based on the knowledge you possess

Let’s say you have a contract or a will which clearly shows you as the beneficiary of a substantial amount of money. You have the document in your possession. You are aware (have the knowledge) that you have the document and further, you are aware that it states you are the beneficiary to receive the funds.

  • That knowledge has NO inherent power.
  • That knowledge is worthless.
  • That knowledge is impotent . . .


That knowledge can be empowering—when it leads to action.

Be empowered by the knowledge you hold! Seek the knowledge you need.

Be Blessed.


Host: Home Ownership Matters Preservation Center, Inc. www.HOMPCI.org
Copyright © 2010. All Rights Reserved. Mildred Wilkins Consulting, Inc.

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