April 1, 2010

Press Release: HOM Announces (FIS) Foreclosure Intervention Specialist Training Underway in Charleston

Home Ownership Matters announces (FIS) Foreclosure
Intervention Specialist training underway in Charleston
Indianapolis, IN–April 1, 2010 — HOM President and Founder Mildred Wilkins is pleased to announce the overwhelming positive response from attendees of (FIS) the foreclosure certification program being offered for the first time in the state of South Carolina. Approximately sixty licensees began the 5 day certification program on March 15th, 2010 in Charleston. The Foreclosure Intervention Specialist Program (FIS) has additionally been approved by Real Estate Commissions in Colorado, Ohio, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Kansas and Indiana. It is expected that the program will be launched in Pennsylvania in early summer and has been offered in Florida without CE credit to attendees from a number of states. NAR provided funding for this critical training through their Foreclosure Prevention and Response (FPR) grant.

This certification program was developed by Mildred Wilkins, president of HOM, LLC headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana. The program provides 30 hours of material in a classroom setting designed to prepare attendees to become knowledgeable about the options available to consumers who are in default on their home loans. Included in the course are components which address the foreclosure process, ethics, fair housing, the short sale process as well as options for keeping the home. Real estate professionals need a broad knowledge base to make appropriate recommendations when a default has occurred. (FIS) training provides that broad base. The practice of real estate has evolved rapidly as foreclosures have increased dramatically creating a need for a new field of knowledge. Foreclosure is frequently avoidable but unfortunately consumers have limited opportunities to learn what options are available. Nor has there been a way for consumers to identify professionals who have the ability to help them. Within the last two years professionals have sought to differentiate themselves with a short sale certification for this reason.

The Foreclosure Intervention Specialist (FIS) certification will set apart those agents who have taken extensive training to be prepared to handle the challenges associated with transactions when the consumer owes more than the property is worth on the open market. The training can alter the outcome of mortgage default when a consumer chooses an agent who is an (FIS) specialist. (FIS) is the oldest certification (offered first in 2005) and the most comprehensive of the programs available to agents. The completion of this program will also help licensees avoid liability while helping them to work more effectively to avert foreclosure for their clients.

Ms. Wilkins is a former Fannie Mae Broker-Specialist who sold foreclosed properties for their disposition department out of Dallas, Texas. She has received loss mitigation training from NeighborWorks America, Fannie Mae and HUD. Since founding HOM in 2002, her work has been featured in the New York Times and BusinessWeek, she has also appeared on MSNBC and NPR. In addition, foreclosure related articles she has written have been published in REALTOR magazines around the country.

Wilkins has been a faculty member for Graduate REALTOR Institute (GRI). She is also a former member of the faculty of NeighborWorks America as a trainer in Foreclosure Intervention. She is regularly a speaker or trainer at numerous state/regional conferences on foreclosure intervention, predatory lending, loss mitigation and/or mortgage fraud. She is widely recognized as a leading expert on these subjects. HOM has been certified as a continuing education provider for real estate professionals in Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas, Ohio Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Iowa, South Carolina and Alabama. Wilkins is an approved instructor for attorneys in Indiana and Ohio.

This (FIS) training session is scheduled for completion May 19 and 20. Registration is restricted to current enrollees. To schedule an (FIS) training series in your area, contact Mildred directly (866) 507-5105.

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(Please E-mail Heather at homeownershipmatters@gmail.com with any questions, comments or concerns you might have! We appreciate all comments and feedback, so please don't be shy.)